100% Fix 'Unknown Part' Message for iPhone 15 Pro After Screen Replacement > 자유게시판

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 100% Fix 'Unknown Part' Message for iPhone 15 Pro After Screen Replac…

페이지 정보

작성자Frankie Baecker 댓글댓글 0건 조회조회 21회 작성일 24-08-22 23:02


Aftermarket Soft OLED screens that support IC transfer
for iPhone 15 Pro are now available
In this video, we'll demonstrate the touch IC transfer
to an iPhone 15 Pro aftermarket screen
Let's disassemble the phone
Before transferring the IC, copy the True Tone data
to the aftermarket screen
Connect the original screen to a programmer to read the True Tone data
iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max share the same connector with iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max
Connect the aftermarket screen to the programmer
Choose Third Party to write in the True Tone data
Install the aftermarket screen to verify the True Tone function
Still, the display Unknown Part message remains
The next step is to remove the display IC from the original screen
Pry up the display flex cable
Insert a heat insulation pad to protect the original screen
Apply Kapton tape around the IC to prevent heat damage to the screen
Set the hot air gun temperature to 280 °C and airflow to 60
Heat the IC evenly with the nozzle 1cm away for about 6-10 seconds
Apply some middle-temperature solder paste to ball the IC
Form the solder balls with hot air gun at 280 °C
A tag-on flex is needed to solder the IC to the aftermarket screen
The tag-on flex comes with the screen
Apply some flux to the soldering pad of the tag-on flex
Remove the tins from the tag-on flex soldering pad using braid and a soldering iron at 390°C
Apply some flux to the tag-on flex soldering pad
Align the IC with the tag-on flex
Solder the IC to the tag-on flex with hot air gun at 280 °C and travel apple ipad airflow 60
Apply some middle-temp solder wire to the soldering points of the tag-on flex
Clean the flux residue with PCB cleaner
Remove the release liner on the back of the soldering pad
Pry up the display flex cable of the replacement screen
Insert a heat insulation pad to protect the replacement screen
Solder the tag-on flex to the screen soldering points with soldering iron at 390 °C
Clean the flux residue with cotton
Cover it with a protection sticker
Next, install the aftermarket screen
The IC does not interfere with the screen installation fitment
True Tone is restored
The screen is fully functional
The Unknown Part display message is gone
IC transplant can be challenging and may risk screen damage
Leave us a comment if you have any question about IC transplant
The parts, travel apple ipad tools, and consumables used in the video are listed in the description section
Thank you for watching


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