Home sale scams ramp up amid a housing market short on inventory pw04 > MY 강의실 예약

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MY 강의실 예약

진우쌤 코딩, SW코딩교육, 맞춤 화상 코딩 레벨 테스트 진단 레포트를 제공 드립니다.

Home sale scams ramp up amid a housing market short on inventory pw04

페이지 정보

작성자 happy7233 예약 0 조회 41회 작성일 23-12-11 13:08


Home sale scams ramp up amid a housing market short on inventory
Last month, a real estate agent in Patty Zuzeks office got a call about selling a plot of land.
The caller, who had heard about the real estate agency through a Facebook post wanted to sell the vacant lot $75,000 below the market value. The callers only request was that the transaction be in cash.
“What they wanted was a quick deal,” Zuzek, a broker with Fieldstone Real Estate Specialists in Minnesota, told Yahoo Finance.
Zuzeks colleague found a buyer, who was a builder. When the purchase agreement on the property came in, the builder buying the property put a “build your custom home” sign on the lot.


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